GBAC STARTM Registered Technology “ATP Test (Kikkoman A3)” for cleaning verification

ISSA-The Worldwide Cleaning Industry Association announced its partnership today with popular comedian, actor, host, and known germaphobe Howie Mandel by launching the Rethink What Clean Means campaign. Together they’re working to educate America about the pivotal importance of cleaning and supporting businesses in elevating their standard of clean. Our ATP Test (Kikkoman A3) is presented and used in “Howie Clean It”. Click for more information.
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How much filth is hiding in your hotel room?
Watch Howie Mandel discover the dirty details in the first instalment of "Howie Clean It." -
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In episode two of "Howie Clean It," see if Howie Mandel can find relief in the restroom, or if it’s as filthy as he thinks.
Biggie Clean a TikToker who cleans crime scene joined the #RethinkClean campaign! Check out what ATP Test (Kikkoman A3) finds and how to improve cleaning!
(External link to TikTok)
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