Easy Plate CC certified by AOAC, MiroVal and NordVal was presented at IAFP 2024.
The poster is now available for download (PDF).
Daiki Utsunomiya 1, Suzanne J. Jordan 2, Kentaro Takenaka 3, Mai Shimizu 3, Takeo Suzuki 3 and Shinichiro Sugiura 1
(1) Kikkoman Biochemifa Company, (2) Campden BRI, (3) Kikkoman Corporation
Purpose: To compare the performance of the RTU device and ISO 4832:2006 for the enumeration of Coliforms in a broad range of foods following the ISO 16140-2 validation protocol.
This study evaluated the specificity, selectivity, repeatability, accuracy, and relative trueness of the RTU device as required by ISO 16140-2. During the study, 225 food samples were analyzed across five food categories; dairy products, fishery products, produce and fruits, meat and poultry and multicomponent foods. All samples were tested according to the manufacturer’s instructions and ISO 4832:2006.
Results from the study revealed good agreement between the RTU device and the reference method in the 75 samples analyzed in the relative trueness study (Correlation coefficient is 0.978). In the accuracy profile study, all 5 categories tested satisfied the 0.5 log acceptability limit or the recalculated acceptability limits. Data also indicated that the RTU device was selective and specific, differentiating more non-target organisms than VRBLA.
The RTU device gives equivalent results to the ISO reference method ISO 4832:2006 for a broad range of foods. This RTU device is a convenient alternative for the enumeration of coliforms.