Shaping the future of food safety since 2005, bringing together hundreds of food safety professionals from across Europe and around the workd to exchange ideas and gain knowledge about the latest in developments and techniques in food science and safety. The 2023 Symposium includes a vast array of diverse topics and speakers for those working in industry, government and academia.
Poster Session
Performance Evaluation of Ready-to-Use Culture Media, Easy Plate AC for Enumeration of Aerobic Plate Count in a Broad Range of Foods, Environmental Samples and Pet Foods
Purpose: To evaluate the performance of the RTU device for the enumeration of aerobic count as detailed in the ISO 16140-2 validation protocol.
Methods: The repeatability, accuracy and relative trueness of the RTU device was evaluated during the study across 5 food categories; dairy products, fishery products, produce and fruits, meat and poultry, and multicomponent foods in addition to environmental samples and pet foods. Analysis of the samples was performed according to the manufacturer’s instructions and ISO 4833-1 (2013).
Results: Study results revealed good agreement between the RTU device and the reference method in the 105 samples analyzed in the relative trueness study. During the accuracy profile it was demonstrated that all seven categories passed the 0.5 log acceptability limits or the recalculated limits. Additional studies showed that the RTU device prevented the spread of members of the Bacillus spp. seen on Plate Count Agar.
Significance: Data indicates that the RTU device provides equivalent results to the ISO reference method 4833-1 (2013) for a broad range of foods, environmental samples and pet foods. In addition to the reduced time-to-result compared to PCA, the media allows better colony counting with samples containing Bacillus spp.
Performance Evaluation of Ready-to-Use Culture Media, Easy Plate SA for Enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus in a Broad Range of Foods
Purpose: To compare the performance of the RTU device and ISO method 6888-1(2021) for the enumeration of S. aureus in a broad range of foods following the ISO 16140-2 validation protocol.
Methods: This study evaluated the specificity, selectivity, repeatability, accuracy and relative trueness of the RTU device as required by ISO 16140-2. During the study, 225 food samples were analyzed across five food categories: dairy products, fishery products, produce and fruits, meat and poultry and multicomponent foods. All samples were tested according to the manufacturer’s instructions and ISO 6888-1.
Results: Results from the study revealed the RTU device gave comparable results to the reference method across the 75 analyzed in the relative trueness with no evidence of bias between the methods. In the accuracy profile study, all five categories tested satisfied the 0.5 log acceptability limit or the recalculated acceptability limits. Data also indicated that the RTU device was selective and specific, inhibiting the growth of nine non-target organisms that grew on the reference agar.
Significance: The RTU device gives equivalent results to the ISO reference method 6888-1(2021) for a broad range of foods. This RTU device is a rapid convenient alternative for the enumeration of S. aureus enabling results in 24h.